Month: 2019/11/30 at 2:36pm

Struggling to Deliver ?

In this busy time leading up to Christmas where we often juggle 100 balls in the air, it’s a good time to focus, breathe and add a little festive mindfulness to your life!  Mindfulness is proven to significantly improve our ability to concentrate and complete tasks better (and with a greater sense of achievement) so […]

Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

The aim of this leaflet is to help you to understand the mind’s reaction to trauma. The reactions can be upsetting in themselves and you can find yourself worrying about them.  It is often very helpful to understand what is happening and that the reactions are ‘signs of coping’ or ways that your mind and […]

Coping With Life Anxiety

To be human is to live with uncertainty. The degree of anxiety over the last few months has been significant – the uncertainty about Brexit has been on most people’s minds and now a General Election leading up to the festive season. Many of us find this time of year more of a struggle at the best […]

Angry Or Upset ?

Why is it that men say they are angry when in fact they are feeling scared and women often talk about being upset when they are angry? The number of male clients I see (either on their own or as part of a couple) reconfirms the different emotional language that men and women use and […]