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Coping With Life Anxiety

To be human is to live with uncertainty. The degree of anxiety over the last few months has been significant – the uncertainty about Brexit has been on most people’s minds and now a General Election leading up to the festive season. Many of us find this time of year more of a struggle at the best of times. More to do, feeling as if there is less time to achieve things, a sense of time speeding up, our mind races, worries build up and pop out when we lie down trying to sleep.

Financial worries often come into more focus, relationship and family tensions can rise up in planning festive season events, expectations about how things should be contrasted to how they are can cause disappointment.  Are we caught up in comparing ourselves and our lives negatively to others – thinking we are the only one struggling and everyone else has it sorted?

Feeling anxious can be displayed in many ways. Often held hidden in the body when we are not able to consciously acknowledge it.  Waiting for us to go off for a few days holiday and then yes, we are struck down with a bug. Become more conscious of your body-mind now. Start being kinder, more accepting of it and it will return the favour.

Sit for a moment now and consciously breathe in through your mouth to a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 4 and breathe out through your mouth to a count of 6. Do this for 2 minutes. What do you notice? Tension in your shoulders, tightness in your chest?  Emotions perhaps. Just notice whatever it is. Acknowledge it.  Bring it into your awareness. Yes this is mindfulness which is a tool that can help people acknowledge and accept uncomfortable feelings such as anxiety. Notice where we are holding physical and emotional pain in the body. This then enables us to respond.

Mindfulness isn’t about one state of mind. So we don’t have to be relaxed to be mindful. We can be angry or sad and be aware of it too. It isn’t about being in a zen like position, crossed legged on a cushion. Some people do find meditation helpful in this way but others don’t. When we are feeling very stressed and anxious trying to force our mind and body to relax can cause more frustration and tension.

Try doing one thing in a more aware state of mind. Just choose one thing you already do every day – perhaps having a shower? Eating at a particular time? Do that one thing and when your mind wanders off (as it is programmed to do) onto something else, perhaps the next thing on your task list, bring your awareness back to this current moment. Just say here goes the mind again wandering off. Don’t criticise this, just accept it and bring your mind back to your chosen focus. Notice the heat of the water, the taste of a particular food. That is being mindful, just noticing. I often suggest to people choose your most favourite thing in a day to do as your mindful activity.  See how you find this. Be curious like a child about doing this thing. See how it goes.

Rachel Wesley

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