Year: 2021/12/06 at 5:51pm

The risk of addictive behaviours over the festive period

In response to the difficulties over the last 18 months, many people have noticed an increase in alcohol, using illegal substances, eating, spending, gambling and watching porn. Everyone is at risk of developing unhealthy habits when we are seeking to avoid and dampen some level of discomfort or pain – often to cope with loneliness or isolation. We may […]

Stress Awareness Day – 3 November 2021

Welcome to November – the 3rd of November is Stress Awareness day.  What is stress? Very simply it’s the body’s response to feeling threatened or under pressure, overwhelmed and unable to cope with mental and emotional pressure. It is common, but it is important to remember that the symptoms can be debilitating over a prolonged […]

World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2021

Welcome to World Mental Health Day.  In these challenging times, it’s even more important that we support and help each other.  The theme for this year is ‘mental health in an unequal world.’  This was chosen by World Health Organisation to shine the spotlight on how access to healthcare is increasingly polarised.   During 2020 many […]

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Welcome to September which is Suicide Prevention Awareness month.  In these challenging times, it’s even more important that we support ourselves and help each other.  World Suicide Prevention Day is 10 September.  During this month we would like you to consider how you can improve your resilience and mental health.  Life can be tough and […]

How To Cope With Health Anxiety

  For many people ‘coming out of lockdown’ and the ability to ditch the mask is causing a rise in anxiety.  We are seeing an increase in health anxiety issues and for some this is resulting in a reduction in going out again and restricting where feels safe similar to the first lockdown. Firstly, it’s […]