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All Change At Work

So the lockdown has been lifted and life can get back to normal? Can it? Possibly not.

What the recent adjustments to lockdown essentially mean is more change. Humans aren’t too keen on change. Certainly not when we’re not in the driving seat and can’t choose where and when to get off.

Many clients we speak too are very anxious about the lockdown restrictions being loosened. They worry for their children, family and colleagues. Is it safe to go back to school, work, go out for a meal again? Will we have to change again? What if there is a second spike? So many questions and no concrete answers. Of course those in a vulnerable health group still remain vulnerable.

Some of us have come to the conclusion that life in lockdown had advantages. No more commuting, rushing out all the time, filling our diaries with people to see, things to do. We may have begun to connect more with our homes, gardens and other interests. Certainly the spend in home improvements and garden centres would indicate that’s true. The environment has said thank you in many ways too.

The change curve has been around a long time in the worlds of psychology and management but it’s worth taking a fresh look at right now.

Ask yourself what stage am I in right now? Shock/denial – were you starting to feel ok with the status quo? Have you moved into the next phase and feeling some scepticism and frustration, anger even? Perhaps you are already in stage 3 – relief and impatient for the ‘new normal’ to be completed. You may be experiencing parts of all 3 phases – moving back and forth depending on the situation you are faced with.

You may be in one phase and your family, friends, colleagues may be in another. This can cause conflict and disagreements to surface.

Wherever you are on the change cycle, be compassionate with yourself and remember everything changes – even the bad stuff shifts like how you are feeling right now. Talking about change and reflecting on what has happened, where we are now and where we would like to be can help deepen our perspective and allow us to respond more flexibly. Please do contact us if we can help you or your organisation.

Rachel Wesley
Clinical Lead and Psychological Trauma Therapist