Data Protection, GDPR and Privacy Policy
Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we need to tell you about the data we collect about you and what we intend/use that for. Our sub-contracted therapists are required to sign and adhere to our data protection/GDPR and privacy policy.
If there is any specific data that you do not want us to keep, please let our Data Controller, Rachel Wesley, know in writing. However this may affect our ability to offer you an appropriate service.
Our website and email system
When you use our website or otherwise provide data informally, the data is collected and processed based on your having given consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time in writing to Rachel Wesley, our Data Controller.
When you use our website, we receive and process your IP address and data about your device and web browser. We need this information to deliver the website. When you submit a form on our website through our enquiry system, the details are sent to us by email. Microsoft Outlook processes our emails. We regularly update our systems using McAfee anti-virus and anti-malware software. Any correspondence or reports containing personal data are sent with an encrypted password.
We aim to confirm to the W3C’s (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) ‘AA’ standard, and follow W3C’s standards for web technology, such as HTML, and CSS. Our website is designed to render correctly in all modern web browsers. If you have any difficulties browsing our website, please help us improve it by contacting us.
Counselling contract
Our counselling contract outlines what personal data we keep and why. At the start of therapy, you are asked to sign this and provide details of your full name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, contact details of GP or other health professional, emergency contact/next of kin, any health issues and medication. Each therapist also keeps brief therapy notes to record aspects of our sessions held and the therapy process which are used in clinical supervision. Clinical supervision is where an appropriately qualified therapist works with your counsellor to ensure the therapy you receive is ethical and safe. Any physical notes do not have your name on them, nor any other personally identifiable information and are identified by a unique client reference.
How long we keep your data for, where it is stored and how do we destroy it
We store all physical documents in a locked filing cabinet and electronic records in a password protected software system. We destroy all records by physical or electronic shredding. Physical and electronic documents containing your data are kept for 3 years (unless you or your solicitor/insurer/other referrer asks for a separate time period). If our therapy is contracted by a medico/legal/other referrer then the instructing organisation’s time period for data retention will apply and you will be asked to sign a separate consent form by that organisation.
We also keep an electronic summary of third party referral information for invoicing purposes (as appropriate). An electronic summary of payments and session dates are retained by us and sub-contracting therapists for 7 years after our work has ended for tax purposes.
Receiving therapy online
If you choose to receive therapy online you will be asked to sign a separate agreement called ‘Online therapy guidance notes’. This explains in detail how we deliver therapy online and the various methods we offer.
Right of access
Rachel Wesley operates as our Data Controller and The Wellness Consultancy is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. If you have any questions or concerns about how your data/personal information is used and stored, please contact her. You have certain rights over your data ie a right to access a copy of your data if you wish and to request correction or deletion in certain circumstances.
In the event of an immediate risk of substantial harm to yourself or others; or under a legal requirement such as terrorism, drug money laundering or via a Court Order for disclosure, relevant information may be shared with other agencies such as health services or the police.
It is important that if you may require your notes or a report for a future legal issue ie personal injury claim, that you request your notes are retained for a further period. After that time, your data will be securely destroyed. If our therapy is contracted by a medico-legal/insurance company, the instructing organisation’s time period for data retention will apply and you will be asked to sign a separate consent form by that organisation to release any personal data.
The Wellness Consultancy is committed to providing digital tools and services that are accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of circumstance or ability.
We strive to make our websites and digital products as accessible and usable as we can, and follow many best practices to achieve this. However, we know that we can always do better and undertake continuous evaluation to improve through iteration.
If you have any difficulties browsing our website, please help us to improve it by contacting us.