Over the past two years we have all had to come to terms with a lot of change, and transitioning into new ways of living, particularly in the workplace and this is the focus of July’s article. Firstly, let’s recognise that change is inevitable at certain times in our lives. Sometimes it can be positive […]
The risk of addictive behaviours over the festive period
In response to the difficulties over the last 18 months, many people have noticed an increase in alcohol, using illegal substances, eating, spending, gambling and watching porn. Everyone is at risk of developing unhealthy habits when we are seeking to avoid and dampen some level of discomfort or pain – often to cope with loneliness or isolation. We may […]
Over-Checking And Self-Doubt
Are you finding that you are over-checking or doubting if you have done basic tasks? Many of us are. This is a common symptom of anxiety. Some of us are noticing that we are becoming more concerned about turning off bathroom taps, the cooker, checking and then re-checking we have locked the front door or […]
World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2020
Welcome to World Mental Health Day. In these challenging times, it’s even more important that we support and help each other. The theme for this year is ‘do one thing’. So what one thing you could do to help your mental health? This can be something very simple – spending 5 minutes outside before and […]
How to support a smooth transition back to education
As COVID-19 continues to interrupt our everyday lives, I wanted to raise the subject of anxieties in September when schools, colleges and universities will start to reopen their doors to pupils and students of all ages. Let’s talk about the worries that maybe around for everyone. I have already been asked to go into a […]