Covid 19

All Change At Work

So the lockdown has been lifted and life can get back to normal? Can it? Possibly not. What the recent adjustments to lockdown essentially mean is more change. Humans aren’t too keen on change. Certainly not when we’re not in the driving seat and can’t choose where and when to get off. Many clients we […]

Coronavirus and Work

Many organisations have had to move unexpectedly into a virtual working environment. Employees have been laid off, or furloughed, and others have had to reorganise their diaries and work from home. Managers may be struggling to organise teams and communicate with their staff.  Staff are trying to juggle family life and remote working. Many employees […]

Post Viral Syndrome (“PVS”)

Clare Wilson, from the ‘New Scientist’, questioned whether the coronavirus could lead on to development of PVFS. Harvey Moldovsky, from the University of Toronto, believes that COVID-19 will lead to many cases of Post-Infective Fatigue Syndrome, and this is supported by Simon Wesseley, former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. There is a concern […]