
Help for coping with low mood

As the winter chill is still around and spring and summer still feel so far away, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the combination of seasonal blues and weekday stress. With the evenings becoming brighter and the days longer it may be the perfect time to start some positive mental health habits to get you […]

Loneliness and addictions in the festive period  

Loneliness and addictions in the festive period   The festive period can be a difficult time for many people (along with other Bank Holiday periods).  Covid-19 sadly created many bereavements and people were not able to grieve in ‘normal’ ways so we are seeing an increase in what therapists call more ‘complicated bereavements’.  This can […]

Coronavirus and Work

Many organisations have had to move unexpectedly into a virtual working environment. Employees have been laid off, or furloughed, and others have had to reorganise their diaries and work from home. Managers may be struggling to organise teams and communicate with their staff.  Staff are trying to juggle family life and remote working. Many employees […]

Surviving Isolation

In the current climate where we are living in a National Emergency, I wanted to write about something that we can all be affected by – isolation. When we think about isolation we may think about the elderly as the main group of people who would experience feeling isolated and lonely. However just how many […]