Mental Health Apps
We have tried some of the current mental health apps and linked them for you to try too! Each app is unique, and help with different things. There are many more mental health apps available, but these are just a few that we liked.
*Disclaimer: The Wellness Consultancy is not affiliated with these apps
Sources of Help For Challenging Time
Mental health/wellbeing apps
A collection of apps centered around mental health and well being
Depression/low mood/anxiety/general well-being
Mood gym
Living Life to the Full
Depression Alliance
No Panic
Anxiety UK
General mental health/Anti-depressant/mental health medication advice
Young Minds
Mind in Manchester
Mind also produces a series of pamphlets on The How to series eg … deal with anger, recognise mental distress
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Winston’s Wish (children’s bereavement charity)
For common mental health disorders please look at the Books on Prescription list which covers anxiety, depression, trauma, chronic health conditions, OCD, mood disorders, eating problems, long term health conditions, pain, dementia, specific books for young people.These are available in most larger libraries.
Attachment disorders
Assessing Violence Exposure and Trauma Symptons in Young Children: A critical review of measures, Smith Stover Carla and Berkowitz Steven (2005), Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol 18
Attachment Disorders, Swanson Cain Catherine (2006)
Attachment Processes in Couple and Family Therapy, Johnson Susan and Whiffen Valerie (2003)
Inside I’m Hurting, Practical Strategies to Help Children with Attachment Difficulties in Schools, Bomber Louise Michelle, Worth Publishing (2007)
Helping Young People to Beat Stress, McNamara Sarah (2000)
Transforming the Difficult Child, The Nurtured Heart Approach, Glasser Howard and Easley Jennifer (1999)
The Young Mind, Bailey Sue and Shooter Mike, Royal College of Psychiatrists, (2009)
NICE Guidelines – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Management,
EMDR Association UK and Ireland,
BACP – What to expect when being counselled for post traumatic stress
Trauma Aid UK
Relationship crisis and moving on
After the Affair, Cole Julie, Relate (2010),
How to Stop Arguing and Start Talking, Quilliam Susan, Relate,
Loving Yourself, Loving Another, Cole Julia (2001), Relate,
Moving On: Breaking Up without Breaking Down, Hall Paula, Relate,
Staying Together – from Crisis to Deeper Commitment, Quilliam Susan, Relate,
National Autistic Society (
Help for parents and families of autistic children – NHS (
Aspergers in Love, Aston Maxine C, Jessica Kingsley (2003)
Can I Tell You About Aspergers (book for children with AS aged 7 upwards), Welton June, Jessica Kingsley (2003)
The Aspergers Couple Workbook, Aston Maxine C, Jessica Kingsley (2008)
The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome, Attwood Tony, Jessica Kingsley (2008)
Separation and divorce (for adults)
Dad’s Place, Burrett Jill, Ward Lock (1996)
Gingerbread – help and advice site for single parents,
Help your Children Cope with your Divorce (Relate),
Moving On: Breaking Up without Breaking Down, Hall Paula, Relate,
Parenting After Divorce – Resolving Conflicts and Meeting Your Children’s Needs, Stahl Philip Michael, Impact (2nd edition, 2007)
Parenting Apart, Christina McGhee, Vermillion (2003)
Shared Parenting Information Group,
The Complete Guide to Shared Parenting After Divorce, Atlantic Publishing Group (2012)
Separation and divorce/ Bereavement and loss (for children and young people)
Always and Forever, Alan Durant, available on Amazon (2013)
Badger’s Parting Gifts, Suzanne Varley, Andersen Publishing (2013)
Divorce Helpbook for Teens, MacGregor Cynthia, Impact Publishing (2004)
Good Books for Tough Times for children 5 to 8 and one for children 9 to 12 cover crying, sadness, divorce, difficult feelings, bullying, death in the family, sibling jealousy, available at Partnership for Children,
It’s Not Your Fault, Koko Bear (A read together book), Lansky Vicki, Book Peddlers (1998)
Mum and Dad Glue, Gray Kes and Layfield Emma, Hodder Childrens (2010)
The Divorce Help Book for Kids, MacGregor Cynthia, Relate,
The Huge Bag of Worries, Ironside Virgina, Hodder Childrens (2000)
Two Homes, Masurel Clare, Walker Books (2002)
Two of Everything, Cole Babette, Red Fox (2000)
Waterbugs and Dragonflies, Explaining Death to Young Children, Doris Stickney (2004)
Winston’s Wish book list (specialist children’s bereavement charity) –
Sad Book – Michael Rosen (2004)
This simplistic and sincere book acknowledges grief is painful but its honesty is uplifting. Both children and adults can comprehend the authors style through his careful wording and the moving illustrations of Quentin Blake.
Jigsaw Puzzle Family, Step-Kid’s Guide to Fitting Together, MacGregor Cynthia, Relate,
Relate Guide to Step-families, Hayman Suzi, Relate,
Step-motherhood, Burns Cherie, Crown Publishing (2003)
The Step Parents’ Parachute, McEvedy Flora, Pikatus (2004)
Work Related Stress
Is your job making You Ill – Dr Ellie Cannon (2018)
The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 minutes a day to less stress, more peace -Patrizia Collard (2014)
Addictions (alcohol, substances, gambling, sex/porn, technology)
Helpful information for families and carers supporting someone with a mental health issue or bereaved due to suicide
Support organisations for people of colour, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and anyone impacted by racist violence in the UK
List of mental health services and organisations – Community Trauma Conference UK